All posts by Mrs. Cornwell

About Mrs. Cornwell

Tracey Cornwell is the library media specialist at Vestal Middle School in Vestal, NY. She absolutely loves technology, books, cats, books and her wonderfully supportive husband, Gary.

Thing 5: Digital Storytelling

“…an effective presentation is really all about good storytelling.” I love this line from Polly’s introduction to Thing 5!

For digital storytelling I’ve used PhotoStory 3 for quite a few years at the elementary level. It’s relatively simple for younger students to use. Even my 2nd graders could use it semi-independently by the time we finished our first project. I’ve used some of the tools recommended like Voicethread, Animoto, Toondoo and Voki, but was excited to try some new ones.

I decided to try Glogster because I have a specific persuasive writing project  I worked on with a class this year that would really lend itself really well to this tool. I decided to use my sample topic and create a glog. I’m not in love with what I created  although I do think this could be a great tool to use with students.

This is the link to it.



Thing 4: RSS, Personal Home Pages and Feed Readers

The magic of RSS feeds? How much MORE clutter can my life endure? That’s how I’ve always felt about RSS readers. How I deal with all those posts in one place? What if I don’t read them for a day, let alone a week?I tried it a few years ago and it was overwhelming for me. Because of thing 4 I decided to give it another try. I went to Google Reader to see what had accumulated since I’d last visited. Well, apparently nothing because Google Reader was discontinued last year I discovered. So, I had to start over. I had absolutely ZERO interest in having feeds delivered to my email inbox. I get far too much email as it is.  First I went to Netvibes. Wow! This seems like a powerful tool but it was just a little bit too much for highly distractable brain to start with. I’ll come back to Netvibes. So, I went to Feedly. I was much more basic and simpler for me to grasp. I have to admit it IS nice not to have to visit site after site to see what’s new and exciting. I can definitely see how this will save me time both professionally and personally! Feedly is really simple – exactly what I needed. But now I’m kind of excited to try Netvibes and see what else I gather all in one place.   

Thing 3: Photo Sharing

A constant struggle for me as a library media specialist is to make students and staff understand that intellectual property and copyright really do matter. From my perspective improper Image use is the most widespread issue.

I have to say I really like photopin! I’ve never come across  it before. This is an excellent place for students to begin looking for CC images. I especially appreciate the mostly benign results I get when entering keywords middle school students enjoy using  when “testing the limits” so to say. The only drawback I’ve found as I explored it is that some of the images link to, a fee based site.



Thing 2: It’s Twitter Time

So I’ve had a twitter account since 2009. The first and last time I posted anything was, uh, 2009. I started the account because I knew I SHOULD have one, not because I WANTED one.  So, now I’ve added quite a few accounts I’m following.


But I’ve been feeling like I’m reading private conversations since I have no idea what some of the tweets are talking about. I guess as I  begin to participate it’ll become more apparent to me how I can utlize twitter as part of my PLN. I can see myself becoming a more active member of TLNing and using Facebook for connecting.

Thing #1: Blogging

Hello. I am Tracey Donaldson-Cornwell, librarian, teacher, wife, step-mom, daughter, sister and caretaker of 7 cats, a ferret and a dog.

In September, after 16 years in elementary school, I finally graduated. Vestal Middle School is now what this library media specialist calls her professional home. It has been somewhat of an adjustment for me but so far I love it. I have to admit I really miss my elementary students but they’ll end up in middle school eventually so I’ll be seeing them again.

I’m taking part in this program to learn about some tools I don’t use and to learn more about those I do. I’ve never really been interested in blogging. My biggest hurdles have always been these three thoughts:

1. What do I know that isn’t already out there?
2. Who is really going to care about what I have to say?
3. People who blog regularly must be extremely self-centered and full of themselves.

I think the first two thoughts have driven the third. It seems that blogging takes a mixture of confidence and imperviousness that I don’t feel I have. But through this program I’m hoping to change my attitude and clear those hurdles.

Cat 1. Lilly


Lilly is the feline matriarch of the house. Her attitude is “my house, my rules; deal with it.” She came to live with me in 2000. She has your stereotypical cattitude. When she wants attention she’ll let me know. Otherwise she prefers to be left alone. Although she always looks annoyed, she is very sweet. She thinks I don’t know this, but she uses me for my body heat at night.